Learn German watching German TV shows with clickable dual subtitles. 3000+ German TV shows and movies available for you!
The best shows from around the world plus countless hours of complete series to binge on.
3000+ TV shows, Netflix hits, telenovelas, comedies, and more.
New shows added monthly.
All shows come with 2 sets of subtitles. Click any word to get an instant translation. The more you watch the more you learn.
Review what you learned with contextual video based flashcards. Track your progress as you watch and see your confidence grow.
StreamGerman-language Netflix shows, telenovelas, comedies, travel shows & more. With new shows added monthly, there's always something new to learn.
Start ForTV Shows & tools to make learning effective and fun, no matter what level you are from beginner to advanced.
Learning German with TV means learning from context rather than just drilling words. No other language learning system helps you learn as quickly.
I love itI can learn German just by watching German TV shows and telenovelas!” - Edward L.
So much fun!I’ve never had so much fun learning German. I can binge-watch a German TV series and learn at the same time.” - Jennifer P.
The most effective methodLearning German with TV is one of the most effective and fun ways to absorb the language. My students love it.” - Mark J. - German teacher
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Never had so much fun learning
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It’s one of the most effective and fun ways to absorb the language. My students love it.
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and start watching your first TV show in German.